Patients & carers
We’re here to help you get the information you need to guide you on your health journey.
Your well-being is our purpose
Everything that motivates us starts with you. We work hard to bring you the medications and vaccines that help fight some of the most serious health concerns facing all of us.
And we know it’s sometimes hard to know where to look for help.

“My hope as chief patient officer is to be an ambassador for patients. When I meet with patients and patient advocate groups around the world, I want them to feel a human connection with MSD and with someone who cares deeply about their needs and concerns. I want them to know I will be an advocate for them and other patients in their care journey.”
Julie L. Gerberding, M.D., M.P.H., executive vice president and chief patient officer
And, your voice is important to us
That’s why we meet with and listen to patients just like you. We take your opinions and perspectives into account when making business and research decisions.
Your voice is important
Your experience matters
Have a question about an MSD Product or want to report an Adverse Event or Quality Issue?
Please be advised that in accordance with the Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association (IPHA) Code of Practice (click here to view the latest version), MSD is unable to correspond with or offer advice to members of the public on medical issues. If you have a concern about your medical condition please contact your Healthcare Professional directly for further information.
Adverse Event Information
Any notifications of Adverse Events should be sent directly and only to medinfo_ireland@msd.com.
Healthcare Providers
MSD is happy to engage with healthcare providers directly should they have any queries or require further information regarding our products.
Please contact us at +353 (0)1 299 8700.