MSD for Mothers
Making a difference – to our communities
Every day, 800 women die from complications related to pregnancy and childbirth.
What’s even more shocking is that 80% of maternal deaths are caused directly by common, often preventable complications. MSD for Mothers is a 10 year, $500 million commitment to reducing preventable maternal mortality worldwide to ensure that no woman has to die from complications of pregnancy or childbirth. To date, MSD for Mothers has contributed to improved access to quality maternal healthcare and family planning services for nearly 6 million women in more than 30 countries around the world. We’ve provided over €5 million in grants supporting projects worldwide and more than half of these grants directly impact women living in Europe.
It’s a programme that’s well supported in MSD Ireland we have a number of MSD for Mothers Ambassadors who promote this programme. These ambassadors visited Greece in 2018 to hear the findings of research conducted by Doctors of the World, supported by MSD for Mothers, amongst 14,000 refugee women which showed that securing equitable access to primary healthcare and maternal health for pregnant migrant and refugee women remains a great challenge across Europe. MSD Ireland then hosted a breakfast briefing amongst Irish NGOs working with refugees in Ireland to discuss the research findings and identify key issues facing refugee mothers in Ireland.
One of the key learnings from the event was the importance of communication, and the lack of adequate translation services for refugees arriving in Ireland. To improve this, a grant was agreed between MSD for Mothers and Barnardos, with MSD Ireland supporting by providing funding to Barnardos for proposed work to support refugees arriving to the Emergency Reception and Orientation Centre (EROC) in Clonea, Co Waterford, particularly mothers who need additional assistance.
This partnership ran in 2019 and funded:
- Interpretation services to facilitate direct and confidential communication with the women in the centre
- A part time Project Worker post to provide direct intervention and family support
- Access to medical, hygiene, pre and post-natal and practical items for the centre

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